
Saturday, January 30, 2016

1 Year Anniversary: CAF Dispatch Thank You!

How time truly flies! It was 1 year ago, January 30th 2015 that I started The Canadian Armed Forces Dispatch (formerly CAF Watch). [Well restarted really - my first attempts were using Microsoft's OneDrive]

In that year, I have amassed over 10,000 page views, and I have you (My Readers) to thank for that. The high amount of interest has fueled my desire to keep the page continuously up to date. This was my third attempt at a webpage for Canadian Forces News - and it seems it has finally succeeded.

In the past 365 days, I have posted, and re-posted 320 news stories. Many of these are laced with my personal opinion about the CAF, and many more have come thanks to David Pugliese, Michael Den Tandt, CAF Writers, and Defense News as well as others. To all those who I have re-posted; I thank you. Your professional reporting, as it has allowed me, as an amateur, to continue to power this webpage with constant updates. I always find joy when I seem to be the first to report on an Airstrike, or deployment before the regular news sources do.

This page was started a year ago with an article entitled, Canada in Iraq: Time to End Canada's Childish Military Debate. That article was only read 6 times; and the other 6 articles I posted that day, were read 55 times. A total of 61 page views on my first day! This seems small, but for a small page using Blogger, I was excited.

I find it truly interesting that this page was started with the debate about Canada's contribution in Iraq and Syria against ISIS, and a year later, it is now dealing with Canada's future contribution in Iraq and Syria against ISIS. A full year later - almost the same news.

The average daily readership reached between 50-100 readers; again, nothing big, but it keeps me going. My average article gets between 10-30 reads.

Over the past year, my top three articles have amassed 995 views at the time of this post being written. My two separate paged, dedicated to Project Resolve, and the Canadian Forces Deployment History, have gathered an additional 300+ page views.

So, if you will keep reading, I will keep posting.

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